Thursday 16 February 2012

My handsome Max Cat <3 
So today is day 1 of my now publicly crazy life. Welcome and good luck to ya! :) It's been a relatively easy going day so far. I woke up to my Max cat sleeping beside me, so naturally I had to take a picture of him. Now I'm planning out my job/car/bill/apartment situation! These past few weeks have been kind of crazy. My car went into the shop twice and broke down once and needed a tow....$200 later for the tow truck and then $1400 after the repairs (2 visits) I started to give up hope. I'm currently renting an apartment for $450 a month, which all in all, isn't bad. But when you're only working part time hours, makes things super hard! So what I'm thinking, is moving back in with the parents for only $300 a month, keep the now fully functional car, keep my job in town and apply for a second job back at the resort I used to work at, also known as boomerang hotel seeing as everyone always ends up going back! That way I can save some cash, pay off my bills and get back on my feet again. I am hoping that this plan works out! So enough about that rant for now lol I mentioned in my description that I am an aspiring musician :) I play the bass, the saxophone and am trying to teach myself guitar (so hard!). I'm hoping to one day teach music either doing private lessons, teaching in a school, or perhaps both :) My main instrument is the alto saxophone, I just love the beauty of the instrument. It's so versatile and sexy! I love to play jazz but am recently toying around with some popular songs and just having fun with it. I'm trying to crack down and practice more often, as I have let it slide with the distractions of life. I have been looking into a few schools and so far my top two are Humber College in Toronto and Trinity College in Dublin Ireland. Humber has a great music program and it would benefit me well. However, I really want to travel to Ireland and explore there so why not make a learning experience out of it and go do schooling there? So far it's just an idea, going to be doing more research about it and seeing what it would take. Well I think that's enough for today, time to do some laundry and then off to see what the rest of the day holds! :)

1 comment:

  1. LOVE to see you blogging Jess!! xoxo

    Just want to say, that although the temptation of Ireland is... well, tempting. Be advised the schooling in another country doesn't always work well if you move back to Canada. A lot of the time your schooling can only be used in the country acquired.

    I do wish you luck and I know great things will come from you! Just look into things :-)
