Friday 17 February 2012

Today is another day. Slowly figuring things out. Trying to find a balance between work, friends, loved ones and keeping my head on straight isn't as easy as it should be, but as is life. Teaching you to work hard and pick yourself back up. My main focus today is to straighten a few kinks out and to do what I haven't been doing lately...BREATH! I need to sit back and look at what's important and I think setting little goals is going to help me out a lot. I need to put a reasonable time frame on the things going on right now and take baby steps to achieve them. I might end up distancing myself from a lot of people but I think it would give me a clearer look at things. Well, enough of the heavy!! I'm excited for Sunday to get here! I have plans to make my way back down to the Niagara area for a couple days. It's been since October since I've lived there. It's going to be weird and maybe hard seeing everything again, but I am hoping to make some new memories there for the time spent down there :) I'm going to keep it short for today but will continue to keep whoever is reading this posted :)

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